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Meeting of inspiring young people to debate priorities and address solutions for a kinder and more generous Brazil based on the results of the 2021 edition of the survey 3 Things I Want to Improve in the World. Initiative carried out by the Education Platform for Kindness and Generosity (Dia de Doar Kids), in partnership with Giving Tuesday Spark and LALA – Latin America Leadership Academy.

Check out the best moments


To register your project in the Day of Donating Kids 2020 Schools Award, you must first create an entrepreneur profile on the Prosas website with login and password
so your school can enroll.

Check out the Inspiring Youth projects created during the Summit

Captura de Tela 2021-06-28 às 17.14_edit

Liga Gláuks - Gláuks League - Initiative Training little owls

Project aimed at helping young mothers with mentoring for high school students, as well as workshops and conversation circles, creating a connection between young women and health professionals, teachers and psychologists.

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Captura de Tela 2021-06-28 às 17.21_edit

Liga Jovens Criativos Young Creatives League

Focused on the dissemination of culture, the youth in this group chose to create a project to facilitate people's access to all kind and all size cultural activities

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Captura de Tela 2021-06-28 às 17.25_edit

Liga Girl Power - Girl Power League

Woman to Woman Event - consists of directing young women to seek new paths and to be inspired by female leaders.

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Liga Partilhar - Partition League

A social project created to accommodate needy elderly people in nursing homes across the country, through the mapping of institutions, registration of young volunteer caregivers and favoring the access and care that the elderly need.

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Captura de Tela 2021-06-28 às 17.36_edit

Liga Fênix - Phoenix League

The project is aimed at promoting the digital inclusion of deaf people, through raising awareness of the need to expand accessibility in social networks and digital media.

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Captura de Tela 2021-07-08 às 21.09.21.png
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