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- Respeito | Gentileza
COME BACK INSPIRATION PHRASE We are the transformation we want in the world Mahatma Gandhi PROPOSAL: • know the fundamentals of generosity and its different formats; • learn the importance of generosity for the good functioning of society; • apply the economy of generosity in a practical way and uncomplicated on a daily basis. IMPORTANCE In a society that experiences widespread intolerance and extreme polarities of opinion, especially in the political arena, discussing rights, duties and limits can bring more insight to new generations. We are a family owned and operated business. ACTIVITIES The language of human rights This activity focuses on the language of human rights. Students examine the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and analyze rights from a personal perspective, and are led to reflect on real cases. Sustainable Development Goals and Philanthropy The Sustainable Development Goals are a broad set of 17 goals adopted by all United Nations countries in 2015. They provide a set of universal goals to guide society and in particular philanthropic organizations around the world in their quest to make better human condition. The implementation of the SDGs will require the cooperation of governments, companies and the philanthropic sector. Defining Respect Students define respect and explore the meaning of self-respect and respect for others. They explore the relationship of respect with definitions and examples of prejudice, bias, racism and stereotype. download all activities
- Tutorial_premio | Gentileza
Tips for registering your project in the Day of Donating Kids 2020 Schools Award: To register your project in the Day of Donating Kids 2020 Schools Award, you must first create an entrepreneur profile on the Prosas website with login and password so your school can enroll. Create entrepreneurial profile Watch the video below on how to register as an entrepreneur Now just click on the button below and access the award page and register your projects. Register projects If you have more than one project to submit (there is no registration limit), you can login entrepreneur on the platform and register it
- Sustentabilidade | Gentileza
COME BACK INSPIRATION PHRASE We need to take care of the world that we will not see. Bertrand Russell PROPOSAL: • know the fundamentals of generosity and its different formats; • learn the importance of generosity for the good functioning of society; • apply the economy of generosity in a practical way and uncomplicated on a daily basis. IMPORTANCE Taking care of natural resources and human relations needs to be a constant process and not just an emergency solution at critical moments; reflecting on the interdependence of everything and everyone is fundamental. We are a family owned and operated business. We are a family owned and operated business. ACTIVITIES Let's try! The purpose of this lesson is to initiate an investigation of the state of the environment and observe the effects of pollution on it. Students begin to strategize about their responsibility to be environmentalists. Tools for environmental projects This list of service project ideas and resources was designed to generate ideas for actions related to management and the environment. And also to assist in the development of skills and knowledge regarding social well-being, mobilization, fundraising, in addition to of geography, history and Portuguese language / writing Community perspectives for site cleanup In this plan, students will observe different perspectives while defending the management of care in a place. They will audit locations that need extra attention and management. When they find a place to care, they must find out who the stakeholders are and interview them. download all activities
- Cópia: SUPER DICAS | Gentileza
PRACTICAL CLASSES DAY TO DONATE KIDS We are a family owned and operated business. Did you know that kindness and generosity are habits that start from the childhood? Many people stop donating because they have not learned the importance and value that donation has. Thinking about it, the Day of Donating Kids created Practical Lessons that are really practical. Everything hassle free so that mothers, fathers, aunts and uncles, grandparents and grandmothers, godmothers and godparents ... get to talk about it with children and young people already showing how everything works. Did you know that kindness and generosity are habits that start from childhood? Many people stop donating because they have not learned the importance and value that donation has. Thinking about it, the Day of Donating Kids created Practical Lessons that are really practical. Everything is uncomplicated so that mothers, fathers, aunts and uncles, grandparents and grandfathers, godmothers and godparents ... can talk about it with children and young people already showing how everything works. This special class, in partnership with BSocial, explains how to make donations on virtual platforms. Take a generosity class: start with your family, mobilize your friends, share on your social networks. See more Generosity generates and spins the economy. How much is it worth? Let's calculate: the number of hours, plus the amount of goodwill, plus the objects that are donated, plus the state of mind of the donor ... In short: priceless. Soooo worth it! Economia da Generosidade Play Video Play Video 01:13 O VALOR DO DINHEIRO E DA DOAÇÃO #diadedoar #diadedoarkids Play Video Play Video 01:20 O IMPACTO ECONÔMICO DA GENEROSIDADE #diadedoar #diadedoarkids Play Video Play Video 01:19 EDUCAÇÃO FINANCEIRA PARA CRIANÇAS #diadedoar #diadedoarkids Plataformas economia Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Just pulvinar sprays. Maecenas vel ante ooo. Curabitur comodo nec felis sed volutpat. Nulla vel ullamcorper neque. Donec ipsum without, bibendum vel laoreet I, auctor wanted libero. Curable mass sed neque pretium vulputate vitae non ex. Vivamus lorem odio, aliquam ut tincidunt eu, always vitae tortor. Donec consequat ligula ex, id fermentum quam congue in. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Sed porttitor ligula sed quam vulputate dapibus at ac tellus. Etiam consectetur ante in massa suscipit, et tempus nunc interdum. Proin at iaculis nunc. Phasellus porta pellentesque cursus. Integer porta mi enim. Pellentesque condimentum velit lacus, sed ornare leo iaculis at. Pellentesque purus massa, consequat non consectetur a, pregnant ac sapien. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Just pulvinar sprays. Maecenas vel ante ooo. Curabitur comodo nec felis sed volutpat. Nulla vel ullamcorper neque. Donec ipsum without, bibendum vel laoreet I, auctor wanted libero. Curable mass sed neque pretium vulputate vitae non ex. See more Bolinho Dancinha What would you like to have learned about giving when you were a child? The “Para Aprender a Donar” project proposes to philanthropists, generous and solidary on duty to share their tips on the importance of donation with the Donate Kids Day. The goal? Make a difference in the education of many children in our Brazil. Good examples are always welcome, and when they emerge in childhood, even better. Para aprender a doar All Categories Play Video Play Video 01:37 Educação para Gentileza e Generosidade Carola Matarazzo Play Video Play Video 00:23 Educação para Gentileza e Generosidade Rafaela Carvalho Play Video Play Video 00:52 Educação para Gentileza e Generosidade João Paulo Vergueiro Play Video Play Video 01:00 Educação para Gentileza e Generosidade Luis Fernando Figueiredo Play Video Play Video 01:03 Educação para Gentileza e Generosidade Richard Alexander Castilla Sippli Play Video Play Video 01:07 Educação para Gentileza e Generosidade Marcia K Woods Play Video Play Video 00:51 Educação para Gentileza e Generosidade Cris Oestreicher Play Video Play Video 00:56 Educação para Gentileza e Generosidade Kadu Andrade Play Video Play Video 01:25 Educação para Gentileza e Generosidade Patricia Lobaccaro Load More Paraaprender
- CONTE SEU PLANO | Gentileza
Tell us how you plan to participate in #DiadeDoarKids! Check out our ideas page if you need inspiration and don't forget to share your project on social media using #DiadeDoarKids! Junte-se ao Movimento! Tenho permissão dos pais para participar Enviar Obrigado pelo envio!
- INSPIRADORES | Plataforma de Educação para Gentileza e Generosidade
Ana Clara Martins Pra mim, é uma grande honra ser embaixadora da Plataforma de Educação para Gentileza e Generosidade. Desde pequena sempre tive a vontade de levar um pouco de cuidado para quem precisa. Eu imaginava que se cada pessoa fizesse um pequeno gesto solidário, essa pequena gotinha de amor ao próximo poderia transformar o mundo numa grande rede de ajuda humanitária. Se você também tem essa vontade, saiba que doar não custa muito e nem precisa ser algo difícil. Você também pode doar seu tempo, seu conhecimento, ou seu talento para ajudar a quem precisa. Você vai perceber que isso vai ser incrível para quem recebe, e gratificante para você mesmo. Este é o espírito da gentileza e da generosidade. Augusto sente um prazer especial em doar suas telas para escolas, hospitais e centros de tratamento de crianças especiais. Muitas dessas instituições já se acostumaram com suas doações anuais. No entanto, Augusto notadamente se sente mais realizado quando pode doar o seu tempo entre crianças especiais mostrando que é fácil pintar e as estimulando a tentar. A realização de ver outras crianças felizes por ao menos tentarem não tem preço! Augusto Corrêa Chico e as Marias Ronaldo Raposo Isabella Casarini
- Coração | Gentileza
COME BACK INSPIRATION PHRASE The size of our privilege is the size of our responsibility. Andrea Scharrz PROPOSALS: • debate about the fact that before being a consumer, each of us is a citizen; • study the different roles of each one to act in a society more dignified for all people; • map challenges and design solutions exercising citizenship in your community. IMPORTANCE In a market that promotes consumption and consumers, understanding the space and role of citizens can make a big difference in the evolution of social awareness, essential for real transformations. Blue Sky Viewing Activity Céu Azul is a visualization activity that helps you to get to know your students and their interests. Participants imagine a better world for their group, neighborhood, community, state, nation and / or the world. This activity encourages empathy, compassion and self-expression. It also helps participants learn to react to a negative situation with positive action. Consider posting keywords and ideas as classroom values to be lived during the school year. Map your broken heart. Change the world This activity will help students discover their passion for giving (or would it be "giving"?). The first step in meaningful philanthropy is to identify the problems that really matter to us. In this activity, students follow their hearts - or rather, their broken hearts - to find out what they are passionate about. Helping students find their spark Philanthropic education and learning to serve are two important pieces in the puzzle of life. Both collaborate for the innate desire to find their own "spark" and create competence, empathy and confidence in the ability to make a difference in the world. download all activities ACTIVITIES About making a difference #DiadeDoarKids The Day of Donating Kids is a national non-profit organization, with an international reach, dedicated to creating and maintaining resources that guide teachers and elementary and high school students to learn the characteristics of generosity, service and civic action, as a way to influence their lives and the world. Mindfulness Building an attentive and inclusive classroom begins with understanding where students are, not only academically, but also emotionally. Many students today have been exposed to adverse childhood experiences that affect their ability to regulate their emotions. By teaching children positive behavior and self-regulation, teachers can help improve results for all students. This lesson will introduce students to mindfulness activities and the use of gratitude journals.
- Plataforma de Educação para Gentileza e Generosidade
Inspiring children to think on their own initiatives of generosity We already have the results of the Award! And the winning schools are ... Click and check Saiba mais sobre o Prêmio Inscrições encerradas! Resultados em 2024. Manual Prático Manual Prático de Conhecimento e autoconhecimento Conheça Quer mudar o mundo? Quer que o mundo mude por você? Antes disso, é melhor se autoconhecer!" Faça o teste Confira como foi a semana de 2023 Check the results of the What is Solidarity survey. We listen to children's opinions under 12 years old Click and be surprised Special activities for families! Games for kids, inspiration for families and research for everyone to participate! know how Apply our Teaching Methodology Perfect for schools, but everyone can use it. Teaching Methodology - Download and implement Discover group dynamics Perfect for companies, but everyone can use it. Click to download group dynamics! Acompanhe as novidades OUR AMBASSADORS Ana Clara Martins Augusto Corrêa Bruno Bastos Rodrigues e Júlia Bastos Rodrigues Chico e as Marias Ana Clara Martins Meet our ambassadors and inspirers OUR SUPPORTERS Selected project / Edition 2019-2020 Selected project / Edition 2020 Content Partners Institutional Support Inspiration Networks Support Content Partners Disclosure Networks Suporte em Relacionamento Achievement Contact ABOUT EGG The first Brazilian Education for Kindness and Generosity platform offers systemic solutions for different audiences. For schools, methodology with 26 lesson plans adapted from the renowned Learning to Give and adapted to the new BNCC, in addition to courses and awards. For families, practical classes with videos, readings and activities. For young social leaders, events and opportunities for connection and visibility. For society, unpublished studies and research with children and young people. For companies, human development dynamics for training programs. All free, uncomplicated, welcoming and accessible, and based on the seven principles of Education for Kindness, Generosity, Sustainability, Solidarity, Diversity, Respect and Citizenship, which are the 7 Principles of Education for Kindness and Generosity (7 PEGG).
- ProgramacaoSummit2021_ING | Gentileza
To register your project in the Day of Donating Kids 2020 Schools Award, you must first create an entrepreneur profile on the Prosas website with login and password so your school can enroll. To register your project in the Day of Donating Kids 2020 Schools Award, you must first create an entrepreneur profile on the Prosas website with login and password so your school can enroll. To register your project in the Day of Donating Kids 2020 Schools Award, you must first create an entrepreneur profile on the Prosas website with login and password so your school can enroll. To register your project in the Day of Donating Kids 2020 Schools Award, you must first create an entrepreneur profile on the Prosas website with login and password so your school can enroll. To register your project in the Day of Donating Kids 2020 Schools Award, you must first create an entrepreneur profile on the Prosas website with login and password so your school can enroll. To register your project in the Day of Donating Kids 2020 Schools Award, you must first create an entrepreneur profile on the Prosas website with login and password so your school can enroll. To register your project in the Day of Donating Kids 2020 Schools Award, you must first create an entrepreneur profile on the Prosas website with login and password so your school can enroll.
- Prêmio Dia de Doar Kids 2020 Escolas | Gentileza
Mobilize your school community. Be the example, participate! Registration open until December 18th. Click the button and register your school. Sign up here Award Regulations The purpose of the Award is to recognize and reward generous and supportive mobilization campaigns involving schools across the country, generating integration between teachers, students and their families and the community where the schools are located; within the context of the social mobilization that will culminate on the Day of Donating, December 1, 2020. THE WINNING CAMPAIGNS WILL RECEIVE THE DAY AWARD TO DONATE KIDS, IN 3 CATEGORIES: • More Creative Campaign, rewarding COMMUNICATION CREATIVITY in the solution / strategy of the campaign, in the form of communication and implementation. • More Engaging Campaign, rewarding PEOPLE INVOLVEMENT, considering the ability to mobilize teachers, students and families, organizations and partnerships as well as communication channels / vehicles; • More Transforming Campaign, rewarding SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION in the ability to impact the reality of the school itself, the reality of the families of students and employees and of the organizations / community around the school. WHO CAN PARTICIPATE AND WHAT TYPE OF CAMPAIGN TO SUBSCRIBE Institutions of Public and Private Education, Elementary School I and II, as well as High School, may participate in the Day of Donating Kids 2020 Prize, duly registered and qualified by the Education Secretariat of the relevant Federative Unit or by the Ministry of Education - MEC. Considering all the change of scenery due to COVID19, registrations of Initiatives that took place from March 2020 and that culminate with the Day of Donating 2020 will be accepted, in themes such as: money collection, food, school supplies, pieces clothing, blankets, among other durable and non-durable goods, for institutions or associations in the surrounding community; crowdfunding (virtual kitties) for social or school projects aimed at the common good; volunteering (especially virtual) promoting kindness and solidarity; communication promoting the Day of Donating / Day of Donating Kids of the school community; awareness of the importance of donation, among others. The Day of Donating Kids 2020 Schools Award was one of 50 projects selected from 2,000 applications in 93 countries for the Starling Collective, which identifies and supports grassroots leaders working to accelerate innovative approaches to catalyze generosity, empathy, equity and justice - a common mission to create a positive impact on their communities, with a focus on innovation and scalability. Learn more: Regulation available on the button below. Tips for registering your project Selected project / Edition 2020 Support
- SUPERDICAS | Gentileza
Você é jovem e quer mudar o mundo? Então este curso é para você! Curso gratuito, 2 horas de duração e certificado de conclusão Conheça o curso O oráculo 7PEGG é um jogo sociotranformacional, uma forma especial de socializar, se divertir e contribuir com a sociedade. Jogue agora For kids to have fun Kindness and Generosity now in the Notebook of Activities of the Boy Scouts of Brazil! Complete material for you to access, learn and have fun. Acesse a versão 2024 Take advantage of our activities to have fun and promote Kindness and Generosity! Download, print, cut, play and share. Fazer download das atividades Stickers for WhatsApp? We also have! Download the stickers For families to reflect Materiaestadao Como ensinar desde cedo a importância da Gentileza e Generosidade? Confira no podcast: Aqui se faz, aqui se doa! A Plataforma de Educação para Gentileza e Generosidade presente no episódio 55 do Capitalismo Consciente na Prática! How to promote kindness, generosity and solidarity when shopping? Read, reflect, rethink, put into practice and share. Clique e continue lendo Clique e continue lendo Clique e continue lendo Clique e continue lendo for everyone to participate Check the search results What is Solidarity. We listen to the opinion of children up to 12 years old about the meaning of very important words to build a future with more social awareness and collaborative sense. In this edition, the proposal is to ask children: What is solidarity? And leave them free to respond. Clique e se surpreenda Ouvimos a opinião das crianças de até 12 anos sobre o significado de palavras muito importantes para construirmos um futuro com mais consciência social e senso colaborativo.Nesta edição a proposta é perguntar para as crianças:O que é solidariedade? E deixá-las livres para responderem. Saiba mais Confira os resultados da 4ª edição da pesquisa 3 Coisas que Eu Quero Melhorar no Mundo. PRACTICAL CLASSES DAY TO DONATE KIDS We are a family owned and operated business. Did you know that kindness and generosity are habits that start from childhood? Many people stop donating because they have not learned the importance and value that donation has. Thinking about it, the Day of Donating Kids created Practical Lessons that are really practical. Everything is uncomplicated so that mothers, fathers, aunts and uncles, grandparents and grandfathers, godmothers and godparents ... can talk about it with children and young people already showing how everything works. The culture of giving is how an individual perceives himself in the act of giving, that is, the extent to which he believes that he is responsible for the positive transformation of society. The expression culture of donation began to be used in Brazil in early 2010, with the structuring of a movement for a culture of donation that maps, articulates and creates conditions to stimulate the cultivation and flourishing of a more conscious and donor country. Leo Fraiman, a psychotherapist and founder of the OPEE Methodology, delves into this complex and multidimensional issue in the 9th year volume in the project Project of Life and Entrepreneurial Attitude in a special chapter, written in partnership with the Dia de Doar Kids team. Access here! Generosity generates and spins the economy. How much is that worth? Soooo worth it! In these 3 special classes, prepared by financial planners, you will know unmissable tips to start talking about the Economy of Generosity from an early age with children. Yes, being generous and investing in the humanitarian stock exchange makes the price of assets more than important, such as respect, solidarity and citizenship, become increasingly high. This impacts not only the life of the donor and the recipient, but also of the entire community. Have you heard that investing in education is investing in the future? Then click and watch that you will like it! O VALOR DO DINHEIRO E DA DOAÇÃO Play Video O IMPACTO ECONÔMICO DA GENEROSIDADE Play Video EDUCAÇÃO FINANCEIRA PARA CRIANÇAS Play Video Economia da Generosidade Watch Now Share Whole Channel This Video Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copy Link Link Copied Share Close Kindness is learned by doing. And one way to practice is to do something with great affection and offer it to someone you want to thank, congratulate, cheer up. It can be a cute drawing, a note with a message of inspiration or… a Cupcake of Kindness! Recipe What would you like to have learned about giving when you were a child? The “Para Aprender a Donar” project proposes to philanthropists, generous and solidary on duty to share their tips on the importance of donation with the Donate Kids Day. The goal? Make a difference in the education of many children in our Brazil. Good examples are always welcome, and when they emerge in childhood, even better. Sign in Play Video Share Whole Channel This Video Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copy Link Link Copied Now Playing 01:37 Play Video Now Playing 00:23 Play Video Now Playing 00:52 Play Video Now Playing 01:00 Play Video